this image contains text
----- wirtschaft --------------
soziales ----------------- widerstand
interdisziplinr rudimentr sekundr ana
La sie lachen, la sie schrein, bis ihre Ro
tze sie erstickt -
denn bald ist Deine Zeit gekommen, jede Stunde schlgt fr
wirtschaft soziales widersta
is released regulary in all fbk- and sargahd-packs for all
reachable households.
V. i. s. d. P.: fbk-crew editors: gunman and shaitan fbk
issue 002 daily near death experience
no editorial this time, sorry. ich bin ficken mde, mu jetzt
aber zur schule und acht stunden abreissen.. ficken! es ist 05:
und shaitan hngt mir anner muschel.. argh..
some words about sargahd
sargahd is the rather independent art subdivision of the fbk.
we release every second month an art collection which includes
high-quality ansee, ascee, and vga-art. sargahds members are in
order of joining : shaitan, zavage, bonewood, crusader, junk,
and delirium. our objective is to be a stable group which relea
ses its work regularly. its not on us to copy the f
called overphunk.
-- shaitan
some more words about sargahd
when the ansi world became more complicated than suitable t
a group being active on different sectors for the sake of inno
vation and fun, we established a subdivision which should be
and hopefully is - able to compete in and renew the ansi busines
once more: sargahd.
-- trate
changes in our line-up
first, the bad news: blade and caynan left us. :
due to the lack of sparetime, blade had to quit the wh
scene just shortly after he joined it.
caynan, who is also in the american group cia,
wasnt able
to handle three groups and quit all his german group-projects.
his last two ansis he did for us are included in this pack. good
luck at cia!
but now, the good news: we gained three new talented members!
the first guy is crusader who already released a guest-cl
ter in sags mit blumen btw, look out for K0TPR0BE.ZIP!
- he
sent us his application and we decided to take him as new membe
youll find his first ansis for fbk.sargahd in this pack. hes
also the leader of vos.
the second new member is junk - due to his non-scene cont
to scopeteklordz, he got in touch with the art-scene.
hes an
ex-writer and paints since one month! his art is great and he
gets better in every ansi he does! unfortunately, he hasnt got a
modem, but since hes very interested in the scene, he will get
one soon.
the third newcomer is delirium - hes also in vos
and applied
with some very nice tyle-asciis. his art simply rules, n
more to say! just look at his ansciis in this pack!
there are also some changes in the fbks memberlist
- eschek
and kraut quit the scene due to the lack of ti
me and motivati-
on. so, dj jensen is our only musician at this
moment, but he
does his job very well. that means, we wont accept new musician
right now. please dont apply. the unknown coder, who was
you btw, drew back of the scene, so he quit the fbk.
but anyway,
if we need something to code, he will do it for us.
unleashed! revolution
shaitans board-project is dead. after he renamed his board
to revolution, he renamed it back to unleashed!, but he used
a new subtitle - revolution instead blackened.
the reason for shutting down his pcboard was, like in most
cases when a project goes down :, the lack of time and motiva-
tion. maybe it will go online one day, but, and thats for sure,
not this year.
distsites and headquarters
we lost two distribution sites during the last two months -
cybermages outpost is down for good right now and s
just4chaos changed its boardname and -concept and isnt di
while travelling back from the wired 96, we got a belgium
headquarter - speed freaks sacred grounds! youll find it
s num-
ber in the infofile.
combined results
mekka 96 4th place game compo das scheispiel
7th place multichannel feelin blue
10th place ansee xpress*phunk?
uc2e 2nd place shitmuzzak whiskey dancing
2nd place ansee penis
3rd place ansee dont feed the biers
5th place multichannel lachskammer
wired 96 7th place ansee revolution
7th place ansee znickerz-trip
13th place ansee who needs colors?
14th place ansee no use for a name
16th place ansee fishbowl
comment to the combined results
yeah youre right, shaitan AND crusader made the 7th place at
the wired 96 ansi compo! thanks to all guys who voted for
or for the other sargahd-artists!
+++ last minute news +++ last minute news +++ last minute news
after returning from the wired 96, crusader changed his ha
ndle to
paratoxic! to avoid confusion, we made uniform sau
using his old handle - that means, youll find so
me ansis with
crusader- and some with paratoxic-header.. sorry.
-------------------its the end of the world as we kn
ow it--------------------pH
bLUC text by gunm
an and shaitan, idea by acid.
----- wirtschaft --------------
soziales ----------------- widerstand
interdisziplinr rudimentr sekundr ana
La sie lachen, la sie schrein, bis ihre Ro
tze sie erstickt -
denn bald ist Deine Zeit gekommen, jede Stunde schlgt fr
wirtschaft soziales widersta
is released regulary in all fbk- and sargahd-packs for all
reachable households.
V. i. s. d. P.: fbk-crew editors: gunman and shaitan fbk
issue 002 daily near death experience
no editorial this time, sorry. ich bin ficken mde, mu jetzt
aber zur schule und acht stunden abreissen.. ficken! es ist 05:
und shaitan hngt mir anner muschel.. argh..
some words about sargahd
sargahd is the rather independent art subdivision of the fbk.
we release every second month an art collection which includes
high-quality ansee, ascee, and vga-art. sargahds members are in
order of joining : shaitan, zavage, bonewood, crusader, junk,
and delirium. our objective is to be a stable group which relea
ses its work regularly. its not on us to copy the f
called overphunk.
-- shaitan
some more words about sargahd
when the ansi world became more complicated than suitable t
a group being active on different sectors for the sake of inno
vation and fun, we established a subdivision which should be
and hopefully is - able to compete in and renew the ansi busines
once more: sargahd.
-- trate
changes in our line-up
first, the bad news: blade and caynan left us. :
due to the lack of sparetime, blade had to quit the wh
scene just shortly after he joined it.
caynan, who is also in the american group cia,
wasnt able
to handle three groups and quit all his german group-projects.
his last two ansis he did for us are included in this pack. good
luck at cia!
but now, the good news: we gained three new talented members!
the first guy is crusader who already released a guest-cl
ter in sags mit blumen btw, look out for K0TPR0BE.ZIP!
- he
sent us his application and we decided to take him as new membe
youll find his first ansis for fbk.sargahd in this pack. hes
also the leader of vos.
the second new member is junk - due to his non-scene cont
to scopeteklordz, he got in touch with the art-scene.
hes an
ex-writer and paints since one month! his art is great and he
gets better in every ansi he does! unfortunately, he hasnt got a
modem, but since hes very interested in the scene, he will get
one soon.
the third newcomer is delirium - hes also in vos
and applied
with some very nice tyle-asciis. his art simply rules, n
more to say! just look at his ansciis in this pack!
there are also some changes in the fbks memberlist
- eschek
and kraut quit the scene due to the lack of ti
me and motivati-
on. so, dj jensen is our only musician at this
moment, but he
does his job very well. that means, we wont accept new musician
right now. please dont apply. the unknown coder, who was
you btw, drew back of the scene, so he quit the fbk.
but anyway,
if we need something to code, he will do it for us.
unleashed! revolution
shaitans board-project is dead. after he renamed his board
to revolution, he renamed it back to unleashed!, but he used
a new subtitle - revolution instead blackened.
the reason for shutting down his pcboard was, like in most
cases when a project goes down :, the lack of time and motiva-
tion. maybe it will go online one day, but, and thats for sure,
not this year.
distsites and headquarters
we lost two distribution sites during the last two months -
cybermages outpost is down for good right now and s
just4chaos changed its boardname and -concept and isnt di
while travelling back from the wired 96, we got a belgium
headquarter - speed freaks sacred grounds! youll find it
s num-
ber in the infofile.
combined results
mekka 96 4th place game compo das scheispiel
7th place multichannel feelin blue
10th place ansee xpress*phunk?
uc2e 2nd place shitmuzzak whiskey dancing
2nd place ansee penis
3rd place ansee dont feed the biers
5th place multichannel lachskammer
wired 96 7th place ansee revolution
7th place ansee znickerz-trip
13th place ansee who needs colors?
14th place ansee no use for a name
16th place ansee fishbowl
comment to the combined results
yeah youre right, shaitan AND crusader made the 7th place at
the wired 96 ansi compo! thanks to all guys who voted for
or for the other sargahd-artists!
+++ last minute news +++ last minute news +++ last minute news
after returning from the wired 96, crusader changed his ha
ndle to
paratoxic! to avoid confusion, we made uniform sau
using his old handle - that means, youll find so
me ansis with
crusader- and some with paratoxic-header.. sorry.
-------------------its the end of the world as we kn
ow it--------------------pH
bLUC text by gunm
an and shaitan, idea by acid.
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