this image contains text
well boys and girls, it seems as though yours truly
has finally decided to get off of his ass and do
some artwork. Ive decided to leave the big-whig
ansi art scene and am trying to stay close to home
and some art for the locals that I so dearly love.
welp, this is my latest, if you want an ansi, you
contact me at any of the boards I draw an ansi for
pretty simple eh? well, I must be going, my hands
Thats AD if yer blind feel like Ive been typing outside for that past
see ya kids! - imodium
look mike! nipples!
imodium stab
T h e V e l v e t U n d e r g r o u n d
one of the best boards in seven o eight
for intellectual chat and files
7 O 8 - 4 3 9 - 5 7 6 9
has finally decided to get off of his ass and do
some artwork. Ive decided to leave the big-whig
ansi art scene and am trying to stay close to home
and some art for the locals that I so dearly love.
welp, this is my latest, if you want an ansi, you
contact me at any of the boards I draw an ansi for
pretty simple eh? well, I must be going, my hands
Thats AD if yer blind feel like Ive been typing outside for that past
see ya kids! - imodium
look mike! nipples!
imodium stab
T h e V e l v e t U n d e r g r o u n d
one of the best boards in seven o eight
for intellectual chat and files
7 O 8 - 4 3 9 - 5 7 6 9
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