this image contains text
SoS //
94 suicidal for life 94
-- Suicidal Tendencies
SUiCiDE Productions November 1994
Release Date : October 28, 1994
Total Ansis : 22
Total VGAs : 2
Total LiTs : 19
Total Music : 4
TotalMisc. : 7
Total Files : 54
Total Bytes : 1,584,804k
Total Bytes Compressed : 710,943k
All Filez in the SU-1194.ZIP should
be dated 10/28/94 and time 6:48 pm
WARNING!!! If any of the above info is not
correct in the pack please delete
it and call Atomic Delusion MBHQ
at 817.295.2780....
11/94 SUiCiDE Productions Premire packet is finally out..
We hope you enjoy the pack as much as we enjoyed putting
it together.. If you have any ideas for future SUiCiDE
packs please let us know on the SUiCiDE MBHQ Atomic -
Delusions 817.295.2780...
NOTE 1: If you are not listed in the Site Info or
Member List you are not in the group.
NOTE 2: If you are appling as a Distro Site, We are not
taking any sites in 214, 513, 516, or 817. No
Member List
Senior Staff
ShadowHawk Nuclear Dreamer The Rook
Ansi Division
Nuclear Dreamer Sound Of Silence Trial
The Dark Knight Cyber Wolfe Griffin
Sir Psycho Pinhead
VGA Division
Snake Nuclear Dreamer
LiT Division
ShadowHawk The Rook LifeTime Nuclear Dreamer
The Dark Knight Deviated Trial
Music Division
Topaz Nuclear Dreamer
Coding Division
ShadowLord Topaz
Telecom Division
Sir Psycho Omega Redd
Site Info
U.S. Sites
Board Name Status SysOp AC
BioHazard World HeadQuarters ShadowHawk 8i7
Atomic Delusions Member Board HQ Nuclear Dreamer 8i7
The Cartel The Easter HQ Omega Redd 5i6
Sardonic Irony Distro Site GRiFFiN 8i7
Throbbing Gristle Distro Site Loki 8i7
DiSTORTiON Distro Site Haywood 3i3
Dark Justice Distro Site Pinhead 5i3
Anguish Fear Distro Site Pagan - Terra-X 5i3
Canada Sites
Altered Sanity Distro Site Raze 7o5
Sarcastic Toaster Distro Site Eerie 4i8
Living On The Edge Distro Site Psycho Bob 6o4
Later Guys
suicide senior staff
Thats it d00d.. quit lookin.
94 suicidal for life 94
-- Suicidal Tendencies
SUiCiDE Productions November 1994
Release Date : October 28, 1994
Total Ansis : 22
Total VGAs : 2
Total LiTs : 19
Total Music : 4
TotalMisc. : 7
Total Files : 54
Total Bytes : 1,584,804k
Total Bytes Compressed : 710,943k
All Filez in the SU-1194.ZIP should
be dated 10/28/94 and time 6:48 pm
WARNING!!! If any of the above info is not
correct in the pack please delete
it and call Atomic Delusion MBHQ
at 817.295.2780....
11/94 SUiCiDE Productions Premire packet is finally out..
We hope you enjoy the pack as much as we enjoyed putting
it together.. If you have any ideas for future SUiCiDE
packs please let us know on the SUiCiDE MBHQ Atomic -
Delusions 817.295.2780...
NOTE 1: If you are not listed in the Site Info or
Member List you are not in the group.
NOTE 2: If you are appling as a Distro Site, We are not
taking any sites in 214, 513, 516, or 817. No
Member List
Senior Staff
ShadowHawk Nuclear Dreamer The Rook
Ansi Division
Nuclear Dreamer Sound Of Silence Trial
The Dark Knight Cyber Wolfe Griffin
Sir Psycho Pinhead
VGA Division
Snake Nuclear Dreamer
LiT Division
ShadowHawk The Rook LifeTime Nuclear Dreamer
The Dark Knight Deviated Trial
Music Division
Topaz Nuclear Dreamer
Coding Division
ShadowLord Topaz
Telecom Division
Sir Psycho Omega Redd
Site Info
U.S. Sites
Board Name Status SysOp AC
BioHazard World HeadQuarters ShadowHawk 8i7
Atomic Delusions Member Board HQ Nuclear Dreamer 8i7
The Cartel The Easter HQ Omega Redd 5i6
Sardonic Irony Distro Site GRiFFiN 8i7
Throbbing Gristle Distro Site Loki 8i7
DiSTORTiON Distro Site Haywood 3i3
Dark Justice Distro Site Pinhead 5i3
Anguish Fear Distro Site Pagan - Terra-X 5i3
Canada Sites
Altered Sanity Distro Site Raze 7o5
Sarcastic Toaster Distro Site Eerie 4i8
Living On The Edge Distro Site Psycho Bob 6o4
Later Guys
suicide senior staff
Thats it d00d.. quit lookin.
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