this image contains text
.yy. ll
k j:
7k. :
.k. .4.
.4 * :
.7 . .4
l 47 .
l :
l ., 7
l /k,.,jk.*SS:
7, 7
7kyyyyy.. :
** ?7 cd!
.y@@@y. .y@S@y.
. kjk.y@S@y.
o/ o/ o/ o/
cut mmkoy? OOOO another lowquality ascii from cat-dog, who blew it by quitting mimic, after
they gave me a chance.
-- cat-dog --
-- an open letter to emok /+-
in responce to what was written in a emok ascii in mimic 17
cat-dog : haha, i cant belive that you quit mimic with your lowquality
asciis, mimic gave you the shot and you blew it! DAMN BOY!
first of all, i would like to point out that emok and i had never had any
problems like this before i quit, and he joined mimic. he had gotten mad
at me because apparently since i joined mimic i got a big attitude, and
never talked to him anymore. i find this hard to believe, but if i can i
would like to try and put it into perspective. you dont listen to music
that you liked when you were in grade 6, once youve grown out of it. i
feel that this is kind of what happened with myself and emok. when i was
starting out in rebelart, he joined a group called uprise using the name
aCIDbURN or something. his art was superior to mine, and i was greatly
impressed by his skill. i had no problems with emok. we talked here and
there as i remember, nothing much, until we broke into the big groups, you
know, remorse, mimic, karma... i remember doing a joint with him, things
were cool between us. after that i dont know what happened, we just sort
of lost touch, then he comes on irc and tells me that i have a attitude
ever since i joined mimic. i disagree, but i do think people took me more
seriously, and maybe listened to what i was saying here and there a bit
more because i was in a big group. and i know i said a lot of things bad
in mimeograph mimics emag about certain groups and such, but it was
just the way i felt, and nothings changed, my message just gets to more
people now. thats how i see it. now.. on to the mimic thing, and my low-
quality asciis mentioned above. i dont like to come down on anyone or
bad mouth them because of their ascii abilities, because its just ascii.
but after reading emoks little comment, it sorta set off something inside
me. as of the time ive been in the artscene, i have yet to see emok draw
a pic, you know a face or something resembling a face its called
abstract if it doesnt look right, and i find it hard to believe that he
has the nerve to put down someone elses art after looking at emk-.asc
in mimic 17. i admit he did say he was trying something new or different
in the file, but it just doesnt seem right coming from him. i can see it
from respected/accomplished artists such as dyscyple, the prodigy, meatpod,
haji, or even sargon note: this does not mean that these artists are full
of themselves, and would say anything of the sort. but when i hear it from
someone who is equal if not less skilled in the art of ascii graphics, i
cant help but wonder where this person has gotten the nerve i know i used
that word earlier to accuse someone of lowquality ascii. its not that i
think i am an amazing artist, because i dont, and have never thought so.
i try to the best of my abilities, to create something that people will
like, and that i like, i dont see this scene as a big compotition to see
whos the best. however it seems to have gotten this way on its own. i
left mimic because of a personal problem within the group, emok. i doubt
that you knew that. i dont see how i blew it! either, i released every
pack that i was with mimic for packs 9 - 16, and guested in 8, i spent
the majority of my scene career with mimic!ascii, and i dont feel that i
blew anything by quitting. i was able to get mimic members to write for
the bi-monthly emag mimeograph, something that meatpod a well respected
artist, and senior in mimic had problems doing.
i had decided to try and reply to your comment in a more professional
way than you had put it. i hope this will suffice, and moreover clear some
things up, that were apparently unclear to you.
thank you for your time. - cd!
.yy. ll
k j:
7k. :
.k. .4.
.4 * :
.7 . .4
l 47 .
l :
l ., 7
l /k,.,jk.*SS:
7, 7
7kyyyyy.. :
** ?7 cd!
.y@@@y. .y@S@y.
. kjk.y@S@y.
o/ o/ o/ o/
cut mmkoy? OOOO another lowquality ascii from cat-dog, who blew it by quitting mimic, after
they gave me a chance.
-- cat-dog --
-- an open letter to emok /+-
in responce to what was written in a emok ascii in mimic 17
cat-dog : haha, i cant belive that you quit mimic with your lowquality
asciis, mimic gave you the shot and you blew it! DAMN BOY!
first of all, i would like to point out that emok and i had never had any
problems like this before i quit, and he joined mimic. he had gotten mad
at me because apparently since i joined mimic i got a big attitude, and
never talked to him anymore. i find this hard to believe, but if i can i
would like to try and put it into perspective. you dont listen to music
that you liked when you were in grade 6, once youve grown out of it. i
feel that this is kind of what happened with myself and emok. when i was
starting out in rebelart, he joined a group called uprise using the name
aCIDbURN or something. his art was superior to mine, and i was greatly
impressed by his skill. i had no problems with emok. we talked here and
there as i remember, nothing much, until we broke into the big groups, you
know, remorse, mimic, karma... i remember doing a joint with him, things
were cool between us. after that i dont know what happened, we just sort
of lost touch, then he comes on irc and tells me that i have a attitude
ever since i joined mimic. i disagree, but i do think people took me more
seriously, and maybe listened to what i was saying here and there a bit
more because i was in a big group. and i know i said a lot of things bad
in mimeograph mimics emag about certain groups and such, but it was
just the way i felt, and nothings changed, my message just gets to more
people now. thats how i see it. now.. on to the mimic thing, and my low-
quality asciis mentioned above. i dont like to come down on anyone or
bad mouth them because of their ascii abilities, because its just ascii.
but after reading emoks little comment, it sorta set off something inside
me. as of the time ive been in the artscene, i have yet to see emok draw
a pic, you know a face or something resembling a face its called
abstract if it doesnt look right, and i find it hard to believe that he
has the nerve to put down someone elses art after looking at emk-.asc
in mimic 17. i admit he did say he was trying something new or different
in the file, but it just doesnt seem right coming from him. i can see it
from respected/accomplished artists such as dyscyple, the prodigy, meatpod,
haji, or even sargon note: this does not mean that these artists are full
of themselves, and would say anything of the sort. but when i hear it from
someone who is equal if not less skilled in the art of ascii graphics, i
cant help but wonder where this person has gotten the nerve i know i used
that word earlier to accuse someone of lowquality ascii. its not that i
think i am an amazing artist, because i dont, and have never thought so.
i try to the best of my abilities, to create something that people will
like, and that i like, i dont see this scene as a big compotition to see
whos the best. however it seems to have gotten this way on its own. i
left mimic because of a personal problem within the group, emok. i doubt
that you knew that. i dont see how i blew it! either, i released every
pack that i was with mimic for packs 9 - 16, and guested in 8, i spent
the majority of my scene career with mimic!ascii, and i dont feel that i
blew anything by quitting. i was able to get mimic members to write for
the bi-monthly emag mimeograph, something that meatpod a well respected
artist, and senior in mimic had problems doing.
i had decided to try and reply to your comment in a more professional
way than you had put it. i hope this will suffice, and moreover clear some
things up, that were apparently unclear to you.
thank you for your time. - cd!
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