this image contains text
bk,------ : ----.----- .,-- / ,- :---. ,----- -:
: : . :/ . :: - : : :i- : : .
. . :: : . : .i :: : . -: . . .
.i- . : .i- .
Sanitys Edge Main Board @USER@ on Node @NODE@
E nter a message BBS bbs lister U pload files
R ead messages OLM online message D ownload files
: C omment to sysop WHO who is online F iles directory :
J oin conference CHAT users online N ew files scan
V iew your stats USER user lister FR file reverse list
O perator page NSA new files Z ippy file scan
: B ulletins RSA new mail T ransfer protocol :
W rite user info TEST files SENT by edit
SE arch user info RECOMMEND a user G oodbye/Logoff
bk,------ : ----.----- .,-- / ,- :---. ,----- -:
: : . :/ . :: - : : :i- : : .
. . :: : . : .i :: : . -: . . .
.i- . : .i- .
Sanitys Edge Main Board @USER@ on Node @NODE@
E nter a message BBS bbs lister U pload files
R ead messages OLM online message D ownload files
: C omment to sysop WHO who is online F iles directory :
J oin conference CHAT users online N ew files scan
V iew your stats USER user lister FR file reverse list
O perator page NSA new files Z ippy file scan
: B ulletins RSA new mail T ransfer protocol :
W rite user info TEST files SENT by edit
SE arch user info RECOMMEND a user G oodbye/Logoff
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