this image contains text
The art that has been released with this pack, it the works of all
the UNiON Artists for the month of December. Because this pack has been
delayed until now, the art has also been collected from the month of
FileName Note Description Type Artist
CY-ACME.ANS ACME Logo Ansi Cybernary
CY-TLL.ANS The Last Laugh Ansi Cybernary
CY-UNION.ANS UNiON Logo Ansi Cybernary
DI-PNET1.ANS Psychonet Ansi Dark Image
DI-UNI01.ANS UNiON Logo Ansi Dark Image
HT-DZ1.ANS Destination Zero Ansi Hard Target
HT-LOT.ANS Land Of Toril Ansi Hard Target
HT-OBV2.ANS Oblivion/2 Ansi Hard Target
HT-PI2.ANS Programmed Illusion Ansi Hard Target
NZ-FLYT2.ANS Flying Teapot Ansi Nailz
NZ-RZR1.ANS Razor 1911 Logo Ansi Nailz
NZ-SUBR1.ANS Sub Rosa Ansi Nailz
NZ-TSG1.ANS The Spawning Ground Ansi Nailz
NZ-UNIF1.ANS Unification Ansi Nailz
NZ-UNION.ANS UNiON Logo Ansi Nailz
NC-CR1.ANS Censored Reality Ansi No Carrier
NC-PI2.ANS Programmed Illusion Ansi No Carrier
NC-VOID.ANS The Void Ansi No Carrier
BD-BATJK.GIF Batman Joker Gif Blue Devil
BD-CZERO.GIF Count Zero Gif Blue Devil
BD-SONIC.GIF Sonic Boom Gif Blue Devil
GC-FLYT1.GIF Flying Teapot Gif GenoCide
GC-UNION.GIF UNiON Logo Gif GenoCide
PI-PRIML.GIF PrimalNET Gif Polarized Infusion
BD-XMAS.FLI Merry Christmas Fli Blue Devil
AD-SANC.669 Sanctum 669 669 Ace
AD-TRUTH.669 Truth 669 669 Ace
VOIDVIEW.EXE Ansi Viewer EXE Winter Mute
GOFLI.EXE FliViewer EXE Unknown
UNION.NFO UNiON Info 1293 NFO GenoCide
FILE1293.NFO This File NFO Nailz
FILEID.DIZ File Identification DIZ Dark Image
- Music - Animation
- 50+ Line Ansi - UNiON Production This NFO File was constructed by
- 50- Line Ansi - Trial ArtWork Nailz of UNiON Productions 1993
- NFO File - Executable
Total Ansis: 19 Total Bytes: 208721 bytes 209k
Total Gifs: 6 Total Bytes: 111786 bytes 112k
Total 669s: 2 Total Bytes: 273888 bytes 274k
Total EXEs: 2 Total Bytes: 44976 bytes 45k
Total FLIs: 1 Total Bytes: 171384 bytes 171k
Total NFOs: 2 Total Bytes: 17502 bytes 18k
Total Files: 32 Total Bytes: 828257 bytes 828k Overall Total
The art that has been released with this pack, it the works of all
the UNiON Artists for the month of December. Because this pack has been
delayed until now, the art has also been collected from the month of
FileName Note Description Type Artist
CY-ACME.ANS ACME Logo Ansi Cybernary
CY-TLL.ANS The Last Laugh Ansi Cybernary
CY-UNION.ANS UNiON Logo Ansi Cybernary
DI-PNET1.ANS Psychonet Ansi Dark Image
DI-UNI01.ANS UNiON Logo Ansi Dark Image
HT-DZ1.ANS Destination Zero Ansi Hard Target
HT-LOT.ANS Land Of Toril Ansi Hard Target
HT-OBV2.ANS Oblivion/2 Ansi Hard Target
HT-PI2.ANS Programmed Illusion Ansi Hard Target
NZ-FLYT2.ANS Flying Teapot Ansi Nailz
NZ-RZR1.ANS Razor 1911 Logo Ansi Nailz
NZ-SUBR1.ANS Sub Rosa Ansi Nailz
NZ-TSG1.ANS The Spawning Ground Ansi Nailz
NZ-UNIF1.ANS Unification Ansi Nailz
NZ-UNION.ANS UNiON Logo Ansi Nailz
NC-CR1.ANS Censored Reality Ansi No Carrier
NC-PI2.ANS Programmed Illusion Ansi No Carrier
NC-VOID.ANS The Void Ansi No Carrier
BD-BATJK.GIF Batman Joker Gif Blue Devil
BD-CZERO.GIF Count Zero Gif Blue Devil
BD-SONIC.GIF Sonic Boom Gif Blue Devil
GC-FLYT1.GIF Flying Teapot Gif GenoCide
GC-UNION.GIF UNiON Logo Gif GenoCide
PI-PRIML.GIF PrimalNET Gif Polarized Infusion
BD-XMAS.FLI Merry Christmas Fli Blue Devil
AD-SANC.669 Sanctum 669 669 Ace
AD-TRUTH.669 Truth 669 669 Ace
VOIDVIEW.EXE Ansi Viewer EXE Winter Mute
GOFLI.EXE FliViewer EXE Unknown
UNION.NFO UNiON Info 1293 NFO GenoCide
FILE1293.NFO This File NFO Nailz
FILEID.DIZ File Identification DIZ Dark Image
- Music - Animation
- 50+ Line Ansi - UNiON Production This NFO File was constructed by
- 50- Line Ansi - Trial ArtWork Nailz of UNiON Productions 1993
- NFO File - Executable
Total Ansis: 19 Total Bytes: 208721 bytes 209k
Total Gifs: 6 Total Bytes: 111786 bytes 112k
Total 669s: 2 Total Bytes: 273888 bytes 274k
Total EXEs: 2 Total Bytes: 44976 bytes 45k
Total FLIs: 1 Total Bytes: 171384 bytes 171k
Total NFOs: 2 Total Bytes: 17502 bytes 18k
Total Files: 32 Total Bytes: 828257 bytes 828k Overall Total
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