this image contains text
.xd, .d x .d x
.b. d ., , .dx bx. x,
,, . d , x,
@ .d . .,
. d,xd.x
. .,dx
.,x x .,x .,xdbx, ,x
.O.x . bxd .xd.. x..
oOb.d ,bx,xd, .
d .,x,. b
@ .
ssssss .,x., .,xd,.
.,x d
x,. .d.
------------------------------------------------------------------------this was a joint by me, rink rat, and muh b0y organ grinder.. i did the l33t
stimpy pic, and since i cant do fonts worth a b3an, organ did tha woe font..
anyhow, my first pic for woe, hope all you niggahs out there like it.
.b. d ., , .dx bx. x,
,, . d , x,
@ .d . .,
. d,xd.x
. .,dx
.,x x .,x .,xdbx, ,x
.O.x . bxd .xd.. x..
oOb.d ,bx,xd, .
d .,x,. b
@ .
ssssss .,x., .,xd,.
.,x d
x,. .d.
------------------------------------------------------------------------this was a joint by me, rink rat, and muh b0y organ grinder.. i did the l33t
stimpy pic, and since i cant do fonts worth a b3an, organ did tha woe font..
anyhow, my first pic for woe, hope all you niggahs out there like it.
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