this image contains text
onfinement Vol.1 Issue.2
Released 08/28/93
-//- onfinement Publications 93 -//-
In This Issue:
1 Phun With Mailboxes
2 The End Of CC Fraud?
3 Great Green Globs
4 On Top Of Spaghetti
DiSCLAiMER: Usual Bullshit
Blah,blah,blah. We take no responsibility for the shit you pull no matter how
inspired by us even if you are completely drunk/stoned.
Phun With Mailboxes
Im sure many people have no idea for the sentimental
value of these things. They provide hours of entertainment,
make good pets, and can cover emabarrasing bald spots ...
No, seriously. Say youre out on a Friday night, Puhhhlease
dont tell me youre reading this on a Friday night just
walk right up to John Does house and scam the sucker right
off the fucking wall. While youre there, whip out yer
cellular phone and do some beige boxing, call Alliance
Teleconferencing, or the gay line or something. Anyway,
back to mail scamming. During the day, many important things
like Visa cards, phone bills, etc. are sent out, and usually
people are at work or raping their dog, which leaves you
free to scam all of their mail right out of their boxes...
Phuck over some asshole by scamming his Visa/BcTel bill, and
if by some mystical fluke, you may stumble upon a Visa card.
In which case you probably have at least a week to fuck
around with it, and maybe buy yourself a 486-66DX2. If you
feel like it, stuff some dogshit in the guys mailbox, or
get a bonfire going in there, cook some marshmellows over
the open fire. Or maybe you might want to frame some fucker.
To do this just scam like 10 mailboxes and shove em on their
neighbours lawn. Just wail out there, get crazy, get creative...
And remember, its not a federal offense until some pig busts
you. l8r.
The End Of CC Fraud?
Im sure every phreak/hack out there has either has, or tried
to card computer hardware. From BE, to dumpster diving heh
looking for credit card carbons. Now that you have a CC carbon,
and all the info you need, you can now order what you want...
Lets say you order your k-elite 14.4k/DS via overnight Federal
Express... And you stick your little note on the front door of
the dropoff spot saying put your little parcel around the back
or something, right? Wrong. You see, what Federal Express has
devised up now, will definately put a crimp, if not kill mail
order CC fraud alltogether. The Fed-Ex guy that drops that parcel
at the house must now see the credit card, someone has to be
there , and the CC info must match that of the orders info.
Im not a CC expert, nor have I ever really tried, but this shit
is for real, and a dark cloud hangs over CC fraud in the future.
Im uncertain when this will take affect, but sometime soon
was what I saw on the boob tube the other day.
Great Green Globs
Great green globs of
Geeshy, gashy, gofer guts,
Mutilated monkey meat,
Little birdies dirty feet,
French fried eyeballs,
Swimmin in a bowl of snot,
I forgot my spoon,
But I brought my,
Sttraawwwwwwwwww ....
On Top Of Spaghetti
On top of spaghetti,
All covered with blood,
I shot my poor teacher,
with a .44 gun,
I went to her funeral,
I spat on her grave,
Everybody threw flowers,
But I threw grenades,
The principal caught me,
And said I was cruel,
So I snagged my bazooka,
and leveled the school.
Want your thoughts/opinions/articles posted in future editions of Confinement?
Write youre best messages, I want ectocasim and cum spilled all over these
fuckers! Either post em in a private message to Hype on any Anarchy/Pie-Rat
board in 6o4-Land or upload them to Physical Insanity. 6o4.929.o554.
Want to be either a distro site or a writer for Confinement? Log on to Physical
Insanity under GUEST password: CONFINEMENT and leave me E-Mail. L8r.
Well, thats anotha issue in the bag. L8r.
PHYSiCAL iNSANiTY - 2oo Megz Online. 14.4k/V.32bis
Copyright onfinement Publications 1993
All Rights Fucked In The Head
Released 08/28/93
-//- onfinement Publications 93 -//-
In This Issue:
1 Phun With Mailboxes
2 The End Of CC Fraud?
3 Great Green Globs
4 On Top Of Spaghetti
DiSCLAiMER: Usual Bullshit
Blah,blah,blah. We take no responsibility for the shit you pull no matter how
inspired by us even if you are completely drunk/stoned.
Phun With Mailboxes
Im sure many people have no idea for the sentimental
value of these things. They provide hours of entertainment,
make good pets, and can cover emabarrasing bald spots ...
No, seriously. Say youre out on a Friday night, Puhhhlease
dont tell me youre reading this on a Friday night just
walk right up to John Does house and scam the sucker right
off the fucking wall. While youre there, whip out yer
cellular phone and do some beige boxing, call Alliance
Teleconferencing, or the gay line or something. Anyway,
back to mail scamming. During the day, many important things
like Visa cards, phone bills, etc. are sent out, and usually
people are at work or raping their dog, which leaves you
free to scam all of their mail right out of their boxes...
Phuck over some asshole by scamming his Visa/BcTel bill, and
if by some mystical fluke, you may stumble upon a Visa card.
In which case you probably have at least a week to fuck
around with it, and maybe buy yourself a 486-66DX2. If you
feel like it, stuff some dogshit in the guys mailbox, or
get a bonfire going in there, cook some marshmellows over
the open fire. Or maybe you might want to frame some fucker.
To do this just scam like 10 mailboxes and shove em on their
neighbours lawn. Just wail out there, get crazy, get creative...
And remember, its not a federal offense until some pig busts
you. l8r.
The End Of CC Fraud?
Im sure every phreak/hack out there has either has, or tried
to card computer hardware. From BE, to dumpster diving heh
looking for credit card carbons. Now that you have a CC carbon,
and all the info you need, you can now order what you want...
Lets say you order your k-elite 14.4k/DS via overnight Federal
Express... And you stick your little note on the front door of
the dropoff spot saying put your little parcel around the back
or something, right? Wrong. You see, what Federal Express has
devised up now, will definately put a crimp, if not kill mail
order CC fraud alltogether. The Fed-Ex guy that drops that parcel
at the house must now see the credit card, someone has to be
there , and the CC info must match that of the orders info.
Im not a CC expert, nor have I ever really tried, but this shit
is for real, and a dark cloud hangs over CC fraud in the future.
Im uncertain when this will take affect, but sometime soon
was what I saw on the boob tube the other day.
Great Green Globs
Great green globs of
Geeshy, gashy, gofer guts,
Mutilated monkey meat,
Little birdies dirty feet,
French fried eyeballs,
Swimmin in a bowl of snot,
I forgot my spoon,
But I brought my,
Sttraawwwwwwwwww ....
On Top Of Spaghetti
On top of spaghetti,
All covered with blood,
I shot my poor teacher,
with a .44 gun,
I went to her funeral,
I spat on her grave,
Everybody threw flowers,
But I threw grenades,
The principal caught me,
And said I was cruel,
So I snagged my bazooka,
and leveled the school.
Want your thoughts/opinions/articles posted in future editions of Confinement?
Write youre best messages, I want ectocasim and cum spilled all over these
fuckers! Either post em in a private message to Hype on any Anarchy/Pie-Rat
board in 6o4-Land or upload them to Physical Insanity. 6o4.929.o554.
Want to be either a distro site or a writer for Confinement? Log on to Physical
Insanity under GUEST password: CONFINEMENT and leave me E-Mail. L8r.
Well, thats anotha issue in the bag. L8r.
PHYSiCAL iNSANiTY - 2oo Megz Online. 14.4k/V.32bis
Copyright onfinement Publications 1993
All Rights Fucked In The Head
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